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Amazon SageMaker Autopilot is up to eight times faster with new ensemble training mode powered by AutoGluon

Amazon SageMaker Autopilot has added a new training mode that supports model ensembling powered by AutoGluon. Ensemble training mode in Autopilot trains several base models and combines their predictions using model stacking. For datasets less than 100 MB, ensemble training mode builds machine learning (ML) models with high accuracy quickly—up to eight times faster than hyperparameter optimization (HPO) training mode with 250 trials, and up to 5.8 times faster than HPO training mode with 100 trials. It supports a wide range of algorithms, including LightGBM, CatBoost, XGBoost, Random Forest, Extra Trees, linear models, and neural networks based on PyTorch and FastAI.

How AutoGluon builds ensemble models

AutoGluon-Tabular (AGT) is a popular open-source AutoML framework that trains highly accurate ML models on tabular datasets. Unlike existing AutoML frameworks, which primarily focus on model and hyperparameter selection, AGT succeeds by ensembling multiple models and stacking them in multiple layers. The default behavior of AGT can be summarized as follows: Given a dataset, AGT trains various base models ranging from off-the-shelf boosted trees to customized neural networks on the dataset. The predictions from the base models are used as features to build a stacking model, which learns the appropriate weight of each base model. With these learned weights, the stacking model then combines the base model’s predictions and returns the combined predictions as the final set of predictions.

How Autopilot’s ensemble training mode works

Different datasets have characteristics that are suitable for different algorithms. Given a dataset with unknown characteristics, it’s difficult to know beforehand which algorithms will work best on a dataset. With this in mind, data scientists using AGT often create multiple custom configurations with a subset of algorithms and parameters. They run these configurations on a given dataset to find the best configuration in terms of performance and inference latency.

Autopilot is a low-code ML product that automatically builds the best ML models for your data. In the new ensemble training mode, Autopilot selects an optimal set of AGT configurations and runs multiple trials to return the best model. These trials are run in parallel to evaluate if AGT’s performance can be further improved, in terms of objective metrics or inference latency.

Results observed using OpenML benchmarks

To evaluate the performance improvements, we used OpenML benchmark datasets with sizes varying from 0.5–100 MB and ran 10 AGT trials with different combinations of algorithms and hyperparameter configurations. The tests compared ensemble training mode to HPO mode with 250 trials and HPO mode with 100 trials. The following table compares the overall Autopilot experiment runtime (in minutes) between the two training modes for various dataset sizes.

Dataset Size HPO Mode (250 trials) HPO Mode (100 trials) Ensemble Mode (10 trials) Runtime Improvement with HPO 250 Runtime Improvement with HPO 100
< 1MB 121.5 mins 88.0 mins 15.0 mins 8.1x 5.9x
1–10 MB 136.1 mins 76.5 mins 25.8 mins 5.3x 3.0x
10–100 MB 152.7 mins 103.1 mins 60.9 mins 2.5x 1.7x

For comparing performance of multiclass classification problems, we use accuracy, for binary classification problems we use the F1-score, and for regression problems we use R2. The gains in objective metrics are shown in the following tables. We observed that ensemble training mode performed better than HPO training mode (both 100 and 250 trials).

Note that the ensemble mode shows consistent improvement over HPO mode with 250 trials irrespective of dataset size and problem types.

The following table compares accuracy for multi-class classification problems (higher is better).

Dataset Size HPO Mode (250 trials) HPO Mode (100 trials) Ensemble Mode (10 trials) Percentage Improvement over HPO 250
< 1MB 0.759 0.761 0.771 1.46%
1–5 MB 0.941 0.935 0.957 1.64%
5–10 MB 0.639 0.633 0.671 4.92%
10–50 MB 0.998 0.999 0.999 0.11%
51–100 MB 0.853 0.852 0.875 2.56%

The following table compares F1 scores for binary classification problems (higher is better).

Dataset Size HPO Mode (250 trials) HPO Mode (100 trials) Ensemble Mode (10 trials) Percentage Improvement over HPO 250
< 1MB 0.801 0.807 0.826 3.14%
1–5 MB 0.59 0.587 0.629 6.60%
5–10 MB 0.886 0.889 0.898 1.32%
10–50 MB 0.731 0.736 0.754 3.12%
51–100 MB 0.503 0.493 0.541 7.58%

The following table compares R2 for regression problems (higher is better).

Dataset Size HPO Mode (250 trials) HPO Mode (100 trials) Ensemble Mode (10 trials) Percentage Improvement over HPO 250
< 1MB 0.717 0.718 0.716 0%
1–5 MB 0.803 0.803 0.817 2%
5–10 MB 0.590 0.586 0.614 4%
10–50 MB 0.686 0.688 0.684 0%
51–100 MB 0.623 0.626 0.631 1%

In the next sections, we show how to use the new ensemble training mode in Autopilot to analyze datasets and easily build high-quality ML models.

Dataset overview

We use the Titanic dataset to predict if a given passenger survived or not. This is a binary classification problem. We focus on creating an Autopilot experiment using the new ensemble training mode and compare the results of F1 score and overall runtime with an Autopilot experiment using HPO training mode (100 trials).

Column Name Description
Passengerid Identification number
Survived Survival
Pclass Ticket class
Name Passenger name
Sex Sex
Age Age in years
Sibsp Number of siblings or spouses aboard the Titanic
Parch Number of parents or children aboard the Titanic
Ticket Ticket number
Fare Passenger fare
Cabin Cabin number
Embarked Port of embarkation

The dataset has 890 rows and 12 columns. It contains demographic information about the passengers (age, sex, ticket class, and so on) and the Survived (yes/no) target column.


Complete the following prerequisite steps:

  1. Ensure that you have an AWS account, secure access to log in to the account via the AWS Management Console, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to use Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) resources.
  2. Download the Titanic dataset and upload it to an S3 bucket in your account.
  3. Onboard to a SageMaker domain and access Amazon SageMaker Studio to use Autopilot. For instructions, refer Onboard to Amazon SageMaker Domain. If you’re using existing Studio, upgrade to the latest version of Studio to use the new ensemble training mode.

Create an Autopilot experiment with ensemble training mode

When the dataset is ready, you can initialize an Autopilot experiment in Studio. For full instructions, refer to Create an Amazon SageMaker Autopilot experiment. Create an Autopilot experiment by providing an experiment name, the data input, and specifying the target data to predict in the Experiment and data details section. Optionally, you can specify the data spilt ratio and auto creation of the Amazon S3 output location.

For our use case, we provide an experiment name, input Amazon S3 location, and choose Survived as the target. We keep the auto split enabled and override the default output Amazon S3 location.

Next, we specify the training method in the Training method section. You can either let Autopilot select the training mode automatically using Auto based on the dataset size, or select the training mode manually for either ensembling or HPO. The details on each option are as follows:

  • Auto – Autopilot automatically chooses either ensembling or HPO mode based on your dataset size. If your dataset is larger than 100 MB, Autopilot chooses HPO, otherwise it chooses ensembling.
  • Ensembling – Autopilot uses AutoGluon’s ensembling technique to train several base models and combines their predictions using model stacking into an optimal predictive model.
  • Hyperparameter optimization – Autopilot finds the best version of a model by tuning hyperparameters using the Bayesian Optimization technique and running training jobs on your dataset. HPO selects the algorithms most relevant to your dataset and picks the best range of hyperparameters to tune the models.

For our use case, we select Ensembling as our training mode.

After this, we proceed to the Deployment and advanced settings section. Here, we deselect the Auto deploy option. Under Advanced settings, you can specify the type of ML problem that you want to solve. If nothing is provided, Autopilot automatically determines the model based on the data you provide. Because ours is a binary classification problem, we choose Binary classification as our problem type and F1 as our objective metric.

Finally, we review our selections and choose Create experiment.

At this point, it’s safe to leave Studio and return later to check on the result, which you can find on the Experiments menu.

The following screenshot shows the final results of our titanic-ens ensemble training mode Autopilot job.

You can see the multiple trials that have been attempted by the Autopilot in ensemble training mode. Each trial returns the best model from the pool of individual model runs and stacking ensemble model runs.

To explain this a little further, let’s assume Trial 1 considered all eight supported algorithms and used stacking level 2. It will internally create the individual models for each algorithm as well as the weighted ensemble models with stack Level 0, Level 1, and Level 2. However, the output of Trial 1 will be the best model from the pool of models created.

Similarly, let’s consider Trial 2 to have picked up tree based boosting algorithms only. In this case, Trial 2 will internally create three individual models for each of the three algorithms as well as the weighted ensemble models, and return the best model from its run.

The final model returned by a trial may or may not be a weighted ensemble model, but the majority of the trials will most likely return their best weighted ensemble model. Finally, based on the selected objective metric, the best model amongst all the 10 trials will be identified.

In the preceding example, our best model was the one with highest F1 score (our objective metric). Several other useful metrics, including accuracy, balanced accuracy, precision, and recall are also shown. In our environment, the end-to-end runtime for this Autopilot experiment was 10 minutes.

Create an Autopilot experiment with HPO training mode

Now let’s perform all of the aforementioned steps to create a second Autopilot experiment with the HPO training method (default 100 trials). Apart from training method selection, which is now Hyperparameter optimization, everything else stays the same. In HPO mode, you can specify the number of trials by setting Max candidates under Advanced settings for Runtime, but we recommend leaving this to default. Not providing any value in Max candidates will run 100 HPO trials. In our environment, the end-to-end runtime for this Autopilot experiment was 2 hours.

Runtime and performance metric comparison

We see that for our dataset (under 1 MB), not only did ensemble training mode run 12 times faster than HPO training mode (120 minutes to 10 minutes), but it also produced improved F1 scores and other performance metrics.

Training Mode F1 Score Accuracy Balanced Accuracy AUC Precision Recall Log Loss Runtime
Ensemble modeWeightedEnsemble 0.844 0.878 0.865 0.89 0.912 0.785 0.394 10 mins
HPO mode – XGBoost 0.784 0.843 0.824 0.867 0.831 0.743 0.428 120 mins


Now that we have a winner model, we can either deploy it to an endpoint for real-time inferencing or use batch transforms to make predictions on the unlabeled dataset we downloaded earlier.


You can run your Autopilot experiments faster without any impact on performance with the new ensemble training mode for datasets less than 100 MB. To get started, create an SageMaker Autopilot experiment on the Studio console and select Ensembling as your training mode, or let Autopilot infer the training mode automatically based on the dataset size. You can refer to the CreateAutoMLJob API reference guide for updates to API, and upgrade to the latest version of Studio to use the new ensemble training mode. For more information on this feature, see Model support, metrics, and validation with Amazon SageMaker Autopilot and to learn more about Autopilot, visit the product page.

About the authors

Janisha Anand is a Senior Product Manager in the SageMaker Low/No Code ML team, which includes SageMaker Autopilot. She enjoys coffee, staying active, and spending time with her family.

Saket Sathe is a Senior Applied Scientist in the SageMaker Autopilot team. He is passionate about building the next generation of machine learning algorithms and systems. Aside from work, he loves to read, cook, slurp ramen, and play badminton.

Abhishek Singh is a Software Engineer for the Autopilot team in AWS. He has 8+ years experience as a software developer, and is passionate about building scalable software solutions that solve customer problems. In his free time, Abhishek likes to stay active by going on hikes or getting involved in pick up soccer games.

Vadim Omeltchenko is a Sr. AI/ML Solutions Architect who is passionate about helping AWS customers innovate in the cloud. His prior IT experience was predominantly on the ground.

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