Bayesian Yacht Sinking: Climate Change Created Perfect Storm for Waterspouts
While the exact cause of the deadly sinking of the Bayesian superyacht remains unknown, dangerous waterspouts were spotted in the area. Scientists say they may become far more common.
Bayesian statistics constitute one of the not-so-conventional subareas within statistics, based on a particular vision of the concept of probabilities. This post introduces and unveils what bayesian statistics is and its differences from frequentist statistics, through a gentle and predominantly non-technical narrative that will awaken your curiosity about this fascinating…
Over the past few decades, the performance of machine learning models on various real-world tasks has improved significantly. Training and implementing most of these models, however, still requires vast amounts of energy and computational power.
Information Retrieval (IR) systems used in search and recommendation platforms frequently employ Learning-to-Rank (LTR) models to rank items in response to user queries. These models heavily rely on features derived from user interactions, such as clicks and engagement data. This dependence introduces cold start issues for items lacking user engagement…