Robots play with play dough

2 years ago

The inner child in many of us feels an overwhelming sense of joy when stumbling across a pile of the…

Researchers release open-source photorealistic simulator for autonomous driving

2 years ago

Hyper-realistic virtual worlds have been heralded as the best driving schools for autonomous vehicles (AVs), since they’ve proven fruitful test…

DoWhy evolves to independent PyWhy model to help causal inference grow

2 years ago

Identifying causal effects is an integral part of scientific inquiry. It helps us understand everything from educational outcomes to the…

Seeing the whole from some of the parts

2 years ago

Upon looking at photographs and drawing on their past experiences, humans can often perceive depth in pictures that are, themselves,…

Artificial neural networks model face processing in autism

2 years ago

Many of us easily recognize emotions expressed in others’ faces. A smile may mean happiness, while a frown may indicate…

Engineers build LEGO-like artificial intelligence chip

2 years ago

Imagine a more sustainable future, where cellphones, smartwatches, and other wearable devices don’t have to be shelved or discarded for…

(De)ToxiGen: Leveraging large language models to build more robust hate speech detection tools

2 years ago

It’s a well-known challenge that large language models (LLMs)—growing in popularity thanks to their adaptability across a variety of applications—carry…

Student-powered machine learning

2 years ago

From their early days at MIT, and even before, Emma Liu '22, MNG '22, Yo-whan “John” Kim '22, MNG '22,…

Collin Stultz named co-director and MIT lead of the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology

2 years ago

Collin M. Stultz, the Nina T. and Robert H. Rubin Professor in Medical Engineering and Science at MIT, has been…

Hallucinating to better text translation

2 years ago

As babies, we babble and imitate our way to learning languages. We don’t start off reading raw text, which requires…