Real estate brokerage firm John L. Scott uses Amazon Textract to strike racially restrictive language from property deeds for homeowners

Founded more than 91 years ago in Seattle, John L. Scott Real Estate’s core value is Living Life as a…

2 years ago

AI Supercomputer to Power $200 Million Oregon State University Innovation Complex

As a civil engineer, Scott Ashford used explosives to make the ground under Japan’s Sendai airport safer in an earthquake.…

2 years ago

UL2 20B: An Open Source Unified Language Learner

Posted by Yi Tay and Mostafa Dehghani, Research Scientists, Google Research, Brain TeamBuilding models that understand and generate natural language…

2 years ago

Run and optimize multi-model inference with Amazon SageMaker multi-model endpoints

Amazon SageMaker multi-model endpoint (MME) enables you to cost-effectively deploy and host multiple models in a single endpoint and then…

2 years ago

Testing approaches for Amazon SageMaker ML models

This post was co-written with Tobias Wenzel, Software Engineering Manager for the Intuit Machine Learning Platform. We all appreciate the…

2 years ago

Encode multi-lingual text properties in Amazon Neptune to train predictive models

Amazon Neptune ML is a machine learning (ML) capability of Amazon Neptune that helps you make accurate and fast predictions…

2 years ago

Customer-centric Transformation at a European Bank

Editor’s Note: This is the second post in our three part blog series about building a customer centric bank. You…

2 years ago

Empower your organizations to make smart workforce decisions

Over the past few years, the workforce has evolved more than ever. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,…

2 years ago

Crossmodal-3600 — Multilingual Reference Captions for Geographically Diverse Images

Posted by Ashish Thapliyal, Software Engineer, and Jordi Pont-Tuset, Research Scientist, Google ResearchImage captioning is the machine learning task of…

2 years ago

Build a solution for a computer vision skin lesion classifier using Amazon SageMaker Pipelines

Amazon SageMaker Pipelines is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service designed for machine learning (ML) use cases. You…

2 years ago