Posted by Santiago Balseiro, Staff Research Scientist, Google Research, and Associate Professor at Columbia University, and Vahab Mirrokni, Distinguished Scientist,…
Customer relationship management (CRM) is a critical tool that organizations maintain to manage customer interactions and build business relationships. Zendesk…
Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning introduces Hyperband, a multi-fidelity technique to tune hyperparameters as a faster and more efficient way…
In this post, we demonstrate how to use Amazon Polly—a leading cloud service that converts text into lifelike speech—to read…
“Cloud Wisdom Weekly: for tech companies and startups” is a new blog series we’re running this fall to answer common…
Palantir Automotive and Mobility is helping OEMs, suppliers, and dealers turn the corner on automotive qualityThe automotive industry is facing…
Posted by Xi Chen and Xiao Wang, Software Engineers, Google Research Advanced language models (e.g., GPT, GLaM, PaLM and T5)…
Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab is a free machine learning (ML) development environment based on open-source JupyterLab for anyone to learn…
We present an efficient method for compressing a trained neural network without using any data. Our data-free method requires 14x-450x…
Effectively disassembling and recovering materials from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is a critical step in moving global supply…