Editor’s Note: This is the fourth post in a series on Responsible AI and expands on the topic of AI Testing & Evaluation (T&E) introduced in the previous post.
In the previous blog post in this series, we introduced AIP Evals, which provides users with the capabilities to efficiently test their Generative AI systems and empirically validate improvements, enabling organizations to more confidently deploy their AI solutions in production.
In this post, we dive deeper into some of the tradecraft behind testing Generative AI, based on our firsthand experience working with our customers as they apply AI to their most critical challenges. Some of the approaches we cover are basic building blocks that are well-known in the AI/ML community, like how to effectively use ground-truth evaluation data. Other techniques, like LLM-as-a-Judge evaluators or perturbation testing, are more advanced and may only be relevant for certain use cases. Taken together, we hope these techniques can guide you through the common workflows and challenges in Generative AI T&E, so you can field more robust, reliable, and effective AI systems in production.
When working with our customers on designing a T&E strategy for Generative AI, we often start the conversation with a simple but critical question: what do you want to test?
One of the common pitfalls in working with LLMs is the temptation to treat these models as one-size-fits-all solutions for many disparate problems. For example, some might describe their use of an LLM as “chat.” This framing, however, leads to two issues: first, it is defined abstractly, detached from the context in which the AI-generated content will be used for decision-making. This kind of context is essential for T&E. Interacting with an LLM to generate a travel plan requires very different T&E than interacting with an LLM to generate code for a mission-critical system. Second, the “chat” paradigm groups distinct user workflows — such as summarization, translation, information retrieval, and question answering — into a single, overly broad category. While this might accurately describe how some users interact with an LLM, the ability to “chat” is not the primary focus from an evaluation perspective, but rather simply the mode of delivering a result.
Instead, the most successful AI T&E strategies require an up-front analysis of what actually needs to be tested. We recommend considering two separate aspects of any use of AI to address both the “macro” and “micro” elements of the AI workflow:
Tip #1: Incorporate T&E metrics to assess improvements in both the entire end-to-end workflow and “testable” AI tasks.
The next step is determine how to evaluate the AI system on a workflow or task. One way to think about this is by asking yourself: what does “good” look like?
When considering the entire end-to-end workflow where AI is embedded, it is beneficial to define and measure Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that can be used as proxies for the ultimate result — even if AI is only used for one component of the entire process. For example, if you are using an LLM to assist with routing shipments to certain factories, the percentage of misrouted shipments can be used as an evaluation criteria that represents how the inclusion of AI components affects the routing optimization workflow’s overall efficacy. By incorporating Workflow KPIs in your T&E strategy, you can better mitigate the risk of T&E only improving parts of the process without improving the whole workflow.
Determining what “good” looks like for a specific task can be more challenging. Take summarization, for example. There can be many “good” summaries for a single source document, as multiple valid summaries often exist. This pattern is common in many uses of Generative AI: the stochastic, “generative” nature of these models can produce unique yet similar responses for the same input. This variability makes it harder to measure accuracy in the same way we would for a “traditional” AI task like binary classification.
In such cases, we can determine whether our AI systems meet our criteria for “good” by describing and evaluating the qualities or characteristics the model’s output should ideally exhibit, even when “good” isn’t strictly defined. To do this, it is helpful to break down a task into two components — syntax and semantics — and evaluate them separately.
Syntax represents the physical or grammatical structure of the LLM response. Below are a few examples of how we might evaluate the syntax of the LLM output for a few tasks:
Semantics represents the content of the LLM response and whether it contains contextually correct information based on the model input, the prompt, and task definition. Consider the following examples of the qualities of the model response we might want to assess for semantic evaluation:
By evaluating these aspects of Generative AI tasks separately, we can gain a clearer understanding of where the model excels and where it may need improvement. This approach also allows us to tailor the evaluation methodology for each evaluation criterion. For example, it’s often easy to evaluate questions of syntax with software-defined checks; however, assessing semantics may require more advanced techniques, especially in cases where we lack ground truth data, as we discuss later.
Tip #2: When considering evaluation criteria for LLM-performed tasks, consider both the syntax and semantics of the model’s output, and evaluate them separately.
Once you have identified the tasks you want to test and the criteria for evaluation, it’s time to get started putting your T&E strategy into practice.
Testing and Evaluation (T&E) of AI models often relies on evaluation datasets that represent the “ground truth,” where for each data point, the model’s prediction is compared against an expected value. This type of testing against ground truth data can still be valuable for Generative AI.
Importantly, this “ground truth” data does not always have to come from real, historical examples. Sometimes, we call this evaluation dataset “reference data” to better highlight that it may simply contain examples useful for assessing the model’s performance when we have some expectation of what the model’s output should be for a given case.
Different approaches for curating this kind of data come with their own tradeoffs regarding comprehensiveness, context-specificity, quality, and more. In all cases, it is important to work with domain experts and users to identify or create ground truth data and continuously iterate with these stakeholders throughout the T&E process. Let’s explore at a few methods below:
AIP provides all these approaches at your fingertips. You can seamlessly integrate open-source or historical data directly into the Ontology and use it to back test suites in AIP Evals. You can also generate synthetic data in Code Repositories or Pipeline Builder — and even use an LLM in Pipeline Builder to help augment an existing dataset.
Tip #3: Engage with domain experts and users to identify or generate “ground truth” data. Obtain feedback on the specific successes and failures of the AI solution compared to the prior baseline. Continuous input and feedback from those who deeply understand the operational workflow where AI is being introduced are critical for using AI both responsibly and effectively.
Once we have “ground truth” data for evaluation, we need to design “evaluators” to produce metrics that help us understand how the LLM output performs relative to this data. For example, it could be as easy as doing an “Exact Match” comparison to directly compare the LLM’s output and the expected ground truth value. However, it is sometimes useful to accept a wider range of values from an LLM. Using range comparison functions or fuzzy matches (e.g., regular expressions, keyword matches, cosine similarity) can help account for the variety of “correct” answers an LLM could produce for a given input.
Tip #4: For more flexible comparisons against ground truth, use regular expression and “fuzzy match” comparison evaluators like Levenshtein distance, cosine similarity, or range intervals when “exact match” evaluators are too restrictive.
AIP Evals provides several default evaluators for both exact match and fuzzy comparison. Additionally, AIP enables you to write custom evaluators to incorporate more advanced T&E metrics, tailoring T&E to your specific use case. For example, you may want to use a word embedding model to assess the similarity between a reference text and LLM-generated text based on cosine similarity. Or, you may prefer to use your favorite open-source package or custom business logic to compute domain-specific metrics. In AIP, you can write these custom evaluators in Functions and publish them for use in your evaluation suite within AIP Evals.
Even when ground truth data is available, it may not capture the full breadth of qualities that define “good” model responses. This is especially true for tasks involving natural language output, where a variety of qualities are necessary for a response to be considered “good.” Relying solely on ground truth data in these cases would require multiple examples for each input to cover all relevant characteristics, which is challenging to achieve in practice. Instead, we can employ evaluation techniques that directly assess the desired characteristics of the model outputs without comparing them to reference examples.
Deterministic evaluators allow you to directly evaluate qualities of the LLM output. For example, in a summarization task, we might want to ensure that the LLM output is shorter than the reference text it is summarizing or that the summary is in the correct language. To evaluate conciseness, we could measure the length of the summary. For language identification, we could use a Natural Language Processing (NLP) library. Neither of these “evaluators” requires a “ground truth” value for comparison. Instead, they rely on “reference-less”, deterministic methods that evaluate the LLM output based on certain parameters. By applying several such evaluators for the characteristics you want to ensure in your LLM response, you can start to put together a holistic picture of the different facets of what “good” might look like for a specific AI task.
Tip #5: Use deterministic evaluators to assess various characteristics or heuristics expected from the LLM response.
AIP Evals comes with several built-in deterministic, reference-less evaluators by default, including “String Length,” “Regex Match,” “Keyword Checker,” and a ROUGE scorer. You can also write custom evaluators to meet specific needs. While many of these evaluators can also be used with ground truth data, they serve as a good starting point for T&E, especially if ground truth data is not yet available.
Another common approach to evaluate the effectiveness of an LLM is by using a second, “evaluator” LLM. This approach is often referred to as “LLM-as-a-Judge” [1]. In AIP, you can easily employ an LLM-backed AIP Logic function as an evaluator in AIP Evals, making this T&E technique both easy and accessible without requiring any code. With LLM-as-a-Judge evaluators at your fingertips, here are a few best practices to keep in mind:
Tip #6: When using LLMs to evaluate other LLMs, define clear, binary pass/fail criteria based on input from domain experts and end-users. Avoid LLM-as-a-Judge evaluators that incorporate complex scoring or ranking systems.
Most T&E approaches focus on evaluating the accuracy of an AI system. For Generative AI, we’ve found that it is also important to evaluate for robustness. Since Generative AI models are non-deterministic and highly sensitive to small variations in input, we have a few recommendations for how to better understand the consistency and robustness of your AI system during the T&E process.
Running the same input through a Generative AI model can yield different outputs due to architectural elements that introduce randomness, such as temperature parameters or top-k sampling. While this randomness can enhance the creativity of LLM responses — which is sometimes desirable for specific generative tasks — it can complicate evaluation, and underscores the importance of evaluating the consistency of your model responses.
Tip #7: In cases where this non-determinism is undesirable, tune relevant model hyperparameters to reduce it where possible (e.g., lowering the “temperature” value to 0).
Regardless, there will always be some variability in Generative AI outputs. To account for this, it’s important to run each test case multiple times and analyze the aggregate results. AIP Evals facilitates this by allowing you to specify how many times to run each test case in your evaluation suite. By examining the distribution of outputs, you can assess the consistency and stability of your AI model’s performance. From there, you can address undesirable non-determinism via techniques like prompt engineering and preprocessing data to eliminate sources of ambiguity or contradiction.
Tip #8: Run each test case multiple times to capture the variability in your model’s outputs. Analyze aggregate metrics to assess consistency and identify outlier behaviors that may need attention.
Real-world data is inherently messy. Users make typos, data formats change, and inputs come in all shapes and sizes. For your AI systems to be successful in these real-world contexts, they must be capable of gracefully handling such irregularities and diversity.
Perturbation testing is a technique that involves systematically modifying inputs to evaluate your model’s robustness to variations and noise. By introducing controlled changes to your test cases, you can uncover how sensitive your model is to different types of input perturbations, such as typos, synonyms, random noise, and more. For instance, if your model performs sentiment analysis, you might test how it handles reviews with typos, slang, or emojis. Does the model still accurately detect positive or negative sentiments when the input isn’t perfectly formatted or contains synonyms for certain phrases?
Beyond testing for robustness, perturbation testing is also a powerful tool for other aspects of Responsible AI. For example, by altering demographic details in inputs — such as names, genders, or cultural references — you can observe if the model reflects embedded bias. This can help uncover hidden failure modes of your AI system that might lead to undesirable disparate impacts if deployed in real-world contexts. Additionally, perturbation testing can reveal vulnerabilities to adversarial inputs. Malicious actors might exploit weaknesses by crafting inputs that confuse the model. By proactively testing with such perturbations, you can strengthen your model against potential attacks.
Tip #9: Use perturbation testing to evaluate your model’s resilience to input variations and uncover potential biases.
So, how do you perform perturbation testing in AIP? Let’s walk through a brief example. Suppose you’re developing an AI model to extract key information from medical notes — such as patient symptoms, diagnoses, and prescribed treatments. Using AIP, you can implement perturbation testing by automating the generation of new test case Objects that are variations of your original medical notes. Let’s go step by step:
Step 1: Define Perturbation Logic: Use Pipeline Builder, Functions, or Transforms in AIP to systematically introduce changes to specific fields in your medical note Objects. This can be done using either deterministic logic or LLM-based functions. Consider the following perturbation strategies:
Step 2: Generate Perturbed Objects: Execute your perturbation logic to create new Objects that mirror your original Object type but with controlled variations. This results in a set of test Objects with realistic, notional examples that the AI system might encounter in practice.
Step 3: Run Evaluations on Perturbed Objects: Use Object-Set-backed Evaluation Suites in AIP Evals to run your perturbed Objects through a set of Evaluators.
Step 4: Analyze Evaluation Metrics: By running evaluations on these perturbed Objects, you can compare how performance metrics change with different perturbations. For example:
By conducting perturbation testing, you gain valuable insights into specific weaknesses and failure modes of your AI system. In this example, the results of perturbation evaluations can help to determine whether the model needs improvement in handling misspelled terms, requires adjustments to maintain performance across different demographics, or needs enhanced filtering mechanisms to manage irrelevant information effectively.
These insights shared here on T&E for Generative AI are just the beginning. There’s a wealth of topics to explore — from A/B testing and post-deployment evaluation to drift monitoring and beyond. As the underlying technologies evolve and use cases mature, we’ll continue to find new ways to better understand the performance of Generative AI.
If we can leave you with one take-away, it’s this: testing & evaluation is integral to your success when working with AI. We strongly encourage you to get started with the T&E methods we described above and to experiment with new approaches that suit the context, workflow, and users of your AI applications.
For those new to Palantir software, head over to build.palantir.com to get started with AIP. Prepare to leverage tools like Pipeline Builder, the Ontology, AIP Evals, and an extensive suite of platform tools to create a T&E strategy tailored to your specific use case and needs. If you’re already an AIP user, we’re excited to hear how T&E has helped you put Responsible AI into practice.
Arnav Jagasia, Head of Software Engineering for Privacy and Responsible AI
Colton Rusch, Privacy and Civil Liberties Engineer
[1] LLM-as-a-Judge was coined as a term in this paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.05685.
[2] For more examples of how pass/fail LLM-as-a-judge is useful, see https://hamel.dev/blog/posts/llm-judge/
Evaluating Generative AI: A Field Manual was originally published in Palantir Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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