Federated Learning With Differential Privacy for End-to-End Speech Recognition
*Equal Contributors While federated learning (FL) has recently emerged as a promising approach to train machine learning models, it is limited to only preliminary explorations in the domain of automatic speech recognition (ASR). Moreover, FL does not inherently guarantee user privacy and requires the use of differential privacy (DP) for robust privacy guarantees. However, we are not aware of prior work on applying DP to FL for ASR. In this paper, we aim to bridge this research gap by formulating an ASR benchmark for FL with DP and establishing the first baselines. First, we extend the existing…
In this paper, we propose an algorithm to optimize a byte-level representation for end-to-end (E2E) automatic speech recognition (ASR). Byte-level representation is often used by large scale multilingual ASR systems when the character set of the supported languages is large. The compactness and universality of byte-level representation allow the ASR…