Categories: FAANG

How AI and Crowdsourcing Can Advance mRNA Vaccine Distribution

Artificial intelligence is teaming with crowdsourcing to improve mRNA vaccines’ thermostability — the ability to avoid breaking down under heat stress — making distribution more accessible worldwide.

In this episode of the NVIDIA AI Podcast, host Noah Kravitz interviews Bojan Tunguz, a physicist and senior system software engineer, and Johnny Israeli, senior manager of AI and cloud software, at NVIDIA.

The guests delved into AI’s potential in drug discovery and Stanford’s OpenVaccine competition, a machine-learning contest using crowdsourcing to tackle the thermostability challenges of mRNA vaccines.

OpenVaccine was hosted by Kaggle, an online machine-learning competition platform. Tunguz, a quadruple Kaggle grandmaster, shared how the platform has grown to encompass datasets, code and discussions, in addition to competitions. Participants can earn points, rankings and status achievements across these four areas.

The fusion of AI, crowdsourcing and machine learning is opening new possibilities in drug discovery and vaccine distribution. Tapping into the collective wisdom and skills of participants worldwide enables better problem-solving for complex challenges like thermostability.

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