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By Aurélien Bibaut, Winston Chou, Simon Ejdemyr, and Nathan Kallus
We are excited to share our work on how to learn good proxy metrics from historical experiments at KDD 2024. This work addresses a fundamental question for technology companies and academic researchers alike: how do we establish that a treatment that improves short-term (statistically sensitive) outcomes also improves long-term (statistically insensitive) outcomes? Or, faced with multiple short-term outcomes, how do we optimally trade them off for long-term benefit?
For example, in an A/B test, you may observe that a product change improves the click-through rate. However, the test does not provide enough signal to measure a change in long-term retention, leaving you in the dark as to whether this treatment makes users more satisfied with your service. The click-through rate is a proxy metric (S, for surrogate, in our paper) while retention is a downstream business outcome or north star metric (Y). We may even have several proxy metrics, such as other types of clicks or the length of engagement after click. Taken together, these form a vector of proxy metrics.
The goal of our work is to understand the true relationship between the proxy metric(s) and the north star metric — so that we can assess a proxy’s ability to stand in for the north star metric, learn how to combine multiple metrics into a single best one, and better explore and compare different proxies.
Several intuitive approaches to understanding this relationship have surprising pitfalls:
Between these naive approaches, we find that the second one is the easier trap to fall into. This is because the dangers of the first approach are well-known, whereas covariances between estimated treatment effects can appear misleadingly causal. In reality, these covariances can be severely biased compared to what we actually care about: covariances between true treatment effects. In the extreme — such as when the negative effects of clickbait are substantial but clickiness and retention are highly correlated at the user level — the true relationship between S and Y can be negative even if the OLS slope is positive. Only more data per experiment could diminish this bias — using more experiments as data points will only yield more precise estimates of the badly biased slope. At first glance, this would appear to imperil any hope of using existing experiments to detect the relationship.
To overcome this bias, we propose better ways to leverage historical experiments, inspired by techniques from the literature on weak instrumental variables. More specifically, we show that three estimators are consistent for the true proxy/north-star relationship under different constraints (the paper provides more details and should be helpful for practitioners interested in choosing the best estimator for their setting):
Our methods yield linear structural models of treatment effects that are easy to interpret. As such, they are well-suited to the decentralized and rapidly-evolving practice of experimentation at Netflix, which runs thousands of experiments per year on many diverse parts of the business. Each area of experimentation is staffed by independent Data Science and Engineering teams. While every team ultimately cares about the same north star metrics (e.g., long-term revenue), it is highly impractical for most teams to measure these in short-term A/B tests. Therefore, each has also developed proxies that are more sensitive and directly relevant to their work (e.g., user engagement or latency). To complicate matters more, teams are constantly innovating on these secondary metrics to find the right balance of sensitivity and long-term impact.
In this decentralized environment, linear models of treatment effects are a highly useful tool for coordinating efforts around proxy metrics and aligning them towards the north star:
We are thrilled about the research and implementation of these methods at Netflix — while also continuing to strive for great and always better, per our culture. For example, we still have some way to go to develop a more flexible data architecture to streamline the application of these methods within Netflix. Interested in helping us? See our open job postings!
For feedback on this blog post and for supporting and making this work better, we thank Apoorva Lal, Martin Tingley, Patric Glynn, Richard McDowell, Travis Brooks, and Ayal Chen-Zion.
Improve Your Next Experiment by Learning Better Proxy Metrics From Past Experiments was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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