by Jun He, Yingyi Zhang, and Pawan Dixit
Incremental processing is an approach to process new or changed data in workflows. The key advantage is that it only incrementally processes data that are newly added or updated to a dataset, instead of re-processing the complete dataset. This not only reduces the cost of compute resources but also reduces the execution time in a significant manner. When workflow execution has a shorter duration, chances of failure and manual intervention reduce. It also improves the engineering productivity by simplifying the existing pipelines and unlocking the new patterns.
In this blog post, we talk about the landscape and the challenges in workflows at Netflix. We will show how we are building a clean and efficient incremental processing solution (IPS) by using Netflix Maestro and Apache Iceberg. IPS provides the incremental processing support with data accuracy, data freshness, and backfill for users and addresses many of the challenges in workflows. IPS enables users to continue to use the data processing patterns with minimal changes.
Netflix relies on data to power its business in all phases. Whether in analyzing A/B tests, optimizing studio production, training algorithms, investing in content acquisition, detecting security breaches, or optimizing payments, well structured and accurate data is foundational. As our business scales globally, the demand for data is growing and the needs for scalable low latency incremental processing begin to emerge. There are three common issues that the dataset owners usually face.
These challenges are currently addressed in suboptimal and less cost efficient ways by individual local teams to fulfill the needs, such as
The incremental processing solution (IPS) described here has been designed to address the above problems. The design goal is to provide a clean and easy to adopt solution for the Incremental processing to ensure data freshness, data accuracy, and to provide easy backfill support.
Incremental processing is an approach to process data in batch — but only on new or changed data. To support incremental processing, we need an approach for not only capturing incremental data changes but also tracking their states (i.e. whether a change is processed by a workflow or not). It must be aware of the change and can capture the changes from the source table(s) and then keep tracking those changes. Here, changes mean more than just new data itself. For example, a row in an aggregation target table needs all the rows from the source table associated with the aggregation row. Also, if there are multiple source tables, usually the union of the changed data ranges from all input tables gives the full change data set. Thus, change information captured must include all related data including those unchanged rows in the source table as well. Due to previously mentioned complexities, change tracking cannot be simply achieved by using a single watermark. IPS has to track those captured changes in finer granularity.
The changes from the source tables might affect the transformed result in the target table in various ways.
Once the change information (data or range) is captured, a workflow has to write the data to the target table in a slightly more complicated way because the simple INSERT OVERWRITE mechanism won’t work well. There are two alternatives:
Additionally, the IPS will naturally support the backfill in many cases. Downstream workflows (if there is no business logic change) will be triggered by the data change due to backfill. This enables auto propagation of backfill data in multi-stage pipelines. Note that the backfill support is skipped in this blog. We will talk about IPS backfill support in another following blog post.
Maestro is the Netflix data workflow orchestration platform built to meet the current and future needs of Netflix. It is a general-purpose workflow orchestrator that provides a fully managed workflow-as-a-service (WAAS) to the data platform users at Netflix. It serves thousands of users, including data scientists, data engineers, machine learning engineers, software engineers, content producers, and business analysts, in various use cases. Maestro is highly scalable and extensible to support existing and new use cases and offers enhanced usability to end users.
Since the last blog on Maestro, we have migrated all the workflows to it on behalf of users with minimal interruption. Maestro has been fully deployed in production with 100% workload running on it.
IPS is built upon Maestro as an extension by adding two building blocks, i.e. a new trigger mechanism and step job type, to enable incremental processing for all workflows. It is seamlessly integrated into the whole Maestro ecosystem with minimal onboarding cost.
Iceberg is a high-performance format for huge analytic tables. Iceberg brings the reliability and simplicity of SQL tables to big data, while making it possible for engines like Spark, Trino, Flink, Presto, Hive and Impala to safely work with the same tables, at the same time. It supports expressive SQL, full schema evolution, hidden partitioning, data compaction, and time travel & rollback. In the IPS, we leverage the rich features provided by Apache Iceberg to develop a lightweight approach to capture the table changes.
Using Netflix Maestro and Apache Iceberg, we created a novel solution for incremental processing, which provides the incremental change (data and range) capture in a super lightweight way without copying any data. During our exploration, we see a huge opportunity to improve cost efficiency and engineering productivity using incremental processing.
Here is our solution to achieve incremental change capture built upon Apache Iceberg features. As we know, an iceberg table contains a list of snapshots with a set of metadata data. Snapshots include references to the actual immutable data files. A snapshot can contain data files from different partitions.
The graph above shows that s0 contains data for Partition P0 and P1 at T1. Then at T2, a new snapshot s1 is committed to the table with a list of new data files, which includes late arriving data for partition P0 and P1 and data for P2.
We implemented a lightweight approach to create an iceberg table (called ICDC table), which has its own snapshot but only includes the new data file references from the original table without copying the data files. It is highly efficient with a low cost. Then workflow pipelines can just load the ICDC table to process only the change data from partition P0, P1, P2 without reprocessing the unchanged data in P0 and P1. Meanwhile, the change range is also captured for the specified data field as the Iceberg table metadata contains the upper and lower bound information of each data field for each data file. Moreover, IPS will track the changes in data file granularity for each workflow.
This lightweight approach is seamlessly integrated with Maestro to allow all (thousands) scheduler users to use this new building block (i.e. incremental processing) in their tens of thousands of workflows. Each workflow using IPS will be injected with a table parameter, which is the table name of the lightweight ICDC table. The ICDC table contains only the change data. Additionally, if the workflow needs the change range, a list of parameters will be injected to the user workflow to include the change range information. The incremental processing can be enabled by a new step job type (ICDC) and/or a new incremental trigger mechanism. Users can use them together with all existing Maestro features, e.g. foreach patterns, step dependencies based on valid–through-timestamp watermark, write-audit-publish templatized pattern, etc.
With this design, user workflows can adopt incremental processing with very low efforts. The user business logic is also decoupled from the IPS implementation. Multi-stage pipelines can also mix the incremental processing workflows with existing normal workflows. We also found that user workflows can be simplified after using IPS by removing additional steps to handle the complexity of the lookback window or calling some internal libraries.
Adding incremental processing features into Netflix Maestro as new features/building blocks for users will enable users to build their workflows in a much more efficient way and bridge the gaps to solve many challenging problems (e.g. dealing with late arriving data) in a much simpler way.
While onboarding user pipelines to IPS, we have discovered a few incremental processing patterns:
This is the straightforward incremental processing use case, where the change data carries all the information needed for the data processing. Upstream changes (usually from a single source table) are propagated to the downstream (usually another target table) and the workflow pipeline only needs to process the change data (might join with other dimension tables) and then merge into (usually append) to the target table. This pattern will replace lookback window patterns to take care of late arriving data. Instead of overwriting past X days of data completely by using a lookback window pattern, user workflows just need to MERGE the change data (including late arriving data) into the target table by processing the ICDC table.
ETL jobs usually need to aggregate data based on certain group-by keys. Change data will disclose all the group-by keys that require a re-aggregation due to the new landing data from the source table(s). Then ETL jobs can join the original source table with the ICDC table on those group-by keys by using ICDC as a filter to speed up the processing to enable calculations of a much smaller set of data. There is no change to business transform logic and no re-design of ETL workflow. ETL pipelines keep all the benefits of batch workflows.
This pattern is usually used in complicated use cases, such as joining multiple tables and doing complex processings. In this case, the change data do not give the full picture of the input needed by the ETL workflow. Instead, the change data indicates a range of changed data sets for a specific set of fields (might be partition keys) in a given input table or usually multiple input tables. Then, the union of the change ranges from all input tables gives the full change data set needed by the workflow. Additionally, the whole range of data usually has to be overwritten because the transformation is not stateless and depends on the outcome result from the previous ranges. Another example is that the aggregated record in the target table or window function in the query has to be updated based on the whole data set in the partition (e.g. calculating a medium across the whole partition). Basically, the range derived from the change data indicates the dataset to be re-processed.
Data workflows at Netflix usually have to deal with late arriving data which is commonly solved by using lookback window pattern due to its simplicity and ease of implementation. In the lookback pattern, the ETL pipeline will always consume the past X number of partition data from the source table and then overwrite the target table in every run. Here, X is a number decided by the pipeline owners based on their domain expertise. The drawback is the cost of computation and execution time. It usually costs almost X times more than the pipeline without considering late arriving data. Given the fact that the late arriving data is sparse, the majority of the processing is done on the data that have been already processed, which is unnecessary. Also, note that this approach is based on domain knowledge and sometimes is subject to changes of the business environment or the domain expertise of data engineers. In certain cases, it is challenging to come up with a good constant number.
Below, we will use a two-stage data pipeline to illustrate how to rebuild it using IPS to improve the cost efficiency. We will observe a significant cost reduction (> 80%) with little changes in the business logic. In this use case, we will set the lookback window size X to be 14 days, which varies in different real pipelines.
We ran this pipeline in a sample dataset using the real business logic and here is the average execution result of sample runs
Using IPS, we rewrite the pipeline to avoid re-processing data as much as possible. The new pipeline is shown below.
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
With these small changes, the data pipeline efficiency is greatly improved. In our sample run,
Here the spark job settings are the same in original and new pipelines. So in total, the new IPS based pipeline overall needs around 10% of resources (measured by the execution time) to finish.
We will improve IPS to support more complicated cases beyond append-only cases. IPS will be able to keep track of the progress of the table changes and support multiple Iceberg table change types (e.g. append, overwrite, etc.). We will also add managed backfill support into IPS to help users to build, monitor, and validate the backfill.
We are taking Big Data Orchestration to the next level and constantly solving new problems and challenges, please stay tuned. If you are motivated to solve large scale orchestration problems, please join us.
Thanks to our Product Manager Ashim Pokharel for driving the strategy and requirements. We’d also like to thank Andy Chu, Kyoko Shimada, Abhinaya Shetty, Bharath Mummadisetty, John Zhuge, Rakesh Veeramacheneni, and other stunning colleagues at Netflix for their suggestions and feedback while developing IPS. We’d also like to thank Prashanth Ramdas, Eva Tse, Charles Smith, and other leaders of Netflix engineering organizations for their constructive feedback and suggestions on the IPS architecture and design.
Incremental Processing using Netflix Maestro and Apache Iceberg was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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