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The Business Case for Predictive Content

Predictive content works. By leveraging AI-powered marketing tools, it allows brands to predict what customers will be interested in and deliver it to them in a crowded digital marketplace using content personalization. Marketers across a variety of sectors are leveraging predictive content to optimize each point of the purchase journey. As a result, predictive content is transforming how brands interact with customers.

Let’s take a deeper dive by first answering the question: What is predictive content?

What is predictive content?

A generic email sent to thousands (or millions) of prospects isn’t as effective as it used to be. The customer experience has evolved and buyers expect companies to communicate as if they know them. In markets strained by steep competition, personalization sets organizations apart.

Yet it is impossible for companies to create truly personalized content using only human creative talent. There are just too many customer segments to cater to, and their preferences change too rapidly for humans to respond to. Humans simply can’t process millions of data points and performance metrics when crafting copy. They can only write what “sounds good” based on a handful of trends or data points. While it’s likely to be thoughtful, creative, and on-brand, content developed by humans alone may not always capture customers attention, clicks, or conversions. This isn’t because it isn’t well-written. It’s because it’s being developed based on a limited amount of data. 

That’s where predictive content comes in. Using Generative AI and machine learning, companies can predict which content and messages will engage specific customers and serve it to them.

Rule-Based vs. Predictive Content Personalization

There are two types of content personalization: rules-based personalization and predictive content personalization.

Both styles of content deliver better value and more relevancy, which in turn, helps customers find the content they need.

Rule-based content personalization relies on basic, manually-generated and flexible rules that work with personally identifiable attributes to divide an audience into smaller segments. Companies then refine messaging to these groups based on data collected from previous interactions.

Predictive personalization, in contrast, leverages machine learning technology to recognize patterns in behavior based on past interactions and predict what the customer is likely to do or want next. Generative AI can then craft messages that will engage individual customers and deliver them. Unlike rule-based methodologies that target entire segments, predictive personalization can operate at a more granular level to curate a unique experience. The content engages customers as if the brand knows them personally.

The Impact of Predictive Content

Organizations across a range of industries are experimenting with predictive content to find and fuel new sources of growth. These companies see the following benefits from using AI-driven technologies to generate personalized content:

Increased engagement rates

Engagement rates indicate how many people are connecting with a brand and how often. Tracking audience involvement with content remains a very important metric for all marketers. With predictive content, consumers are more likely to read messaging specific to their interests and needs, driving a dramatic increase in engagement rates. 

When customers interact with content, organizations receive in-depth insights into motivations and behavior that can’t be sourced by tracking technologies. Predictive content can humanize brands and encourage brand loyalty and may even help brands engage former customers and bring them back.

Accelerated buyer journey

The world moves much faster than it did ten years ago. Customers are bombarded by advertising, much of it irrelevant. Predictive content creates a positive and personalized feedback loop that addresses customer needs with tailored offers, recommendations, and messages. It’s how brands break through the noise and increase conversions. 

With it, brands can deliver recommendations in real time to streamline the buyer experience. Customers get what they want quicker. This accelerated journey is a win/win situation for the organization and the customer.

Higher conversion rates

Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is the amount of money an organization spends to land a new client. Brands calculate CAC by adding the costs associated with converting prospects into buyers (such as marketing, advertising, and employee overhead) and dividing that amount by the number of customers acquired with those marketing resources.

Ready to lower your CAC rates? Predictive content personalization helps brands convert prospects into customers by appealing to them at a granular level, thus converting a larger number of new customers using the same resources. In this way, personalization ultimately boosts return on investment.

Greater customer loyalty and retention

On average, it costs six to seven times more to acquire a new customer than it does to retain one. How do brands create greater customer loyalty and retention? By making buyers feel special. With predictive content personalization, organizations speak to customers in a way that motivates them as individuals—and increases loyal engagement.

Customer loyalty is vital to a brand because existing customers can help grow a business faster with word-of-mouth referrals.

Successful Examples of Predictive Content Personalization

Predictive content personalization unlocks the value of the right words at every customer interaction. 

Persado researchers mapped millions of words and phrases to relatable narratives and emotions to produce powerful results. For example, “Guess what?” can spark curiosity, or “Excuse me” can grab a customer’s attention. 

Learn more from Persado thought leaders: Download the 2022 Customer Motivation Report

Below are examples of how Persado harnessed the power of predictive content to drive customer engagement to new levels.

Emirates NBD generated 171% more leads with predictive campaign generation

Persado helped Emirates NBD, one of the largest banks in the Middle East, achieve the five “r’s” of marketing—the right message at the right time to the right person on the right channel, with the right offer. Using the Persado Motivation AI Platform, the bank generated predictive content to use in its customer campaigns. The partnership allowed Emirates NBD to scale its digital marketing efforts and produce as much as a 171% increase in leads in any given campaign. With Persado, Emirates NBD can launch high-performing marketing campaigns in a matter of days rather than weeks, which allows the bank to scale the benefits of Generative AI and personalization across more channels, customers, and initiatives.

Emirites NBD leveraged predictive content from Persado to improve marketing campaign performance

Vodafone used AI-driven content personalization to boost conversions by over 42%

Vodafone needed more effective messaging for each audience segment within the My Vodafone App. By leveraging predictive content, Persado identified the most effective emotions, words and formatting elements across each stage of the digital journey. Vodafone put the pieces together to seamlessly deliver the best performing messaging to the right audience. The result was a 120% average conversion rate uplift, contributing to 25% of their digital quota.

Vanguard used predictive messaging to increase conversions and build loyalty

Innovative banking, payments, lending, investment, and fintech organizations use Persado predictive content personalization to boost acquisition, loyalty, and value across products and services such as credit cards, auto and personal loans, mortgages, checking and savings accounts, business banking, and wealth management.

Vanguard Institutional partnered with Persado to fine-tune its marketing messages using predictive content. The results featured a 16% increase in conversions and actionable insights for future campaigns.

Vanguard leveraged predictive content from Persado to achieve a 16 percent increase in conversions.

Marks & Spencer grew email conversion rates by 20%

A partnership between the iconic British retailer Marks & Spencer and Persado introduced predictive content personalization to motivate customers and deepen engagement in digital campaigns. Persado worked on both email campaign copy as well as on website copy to drive greater customer engagement, increase customer enrollment in its loyalty program, and grow incremental orders. This resulted in a 20% order rate increase.

Generate Motivating Messages With Predictive Content

Predictive content personalization is changing how brands interact with customers and prospects. Companies can hyper-personalize messaging across any channel and at every customer touchpoint.

As AI becomes more mainstream, it will allow organizations to better target customers and pursue new opportunities with their products and services. See firsthand how predictive content can transform your marketing messaging by activating the untapped value in your first-party data.Begin incorporating predictive content into your marketing strategy. Contact Persado today.

The post The Business Case for Predictive Content appeared first on Persado.

AI Generated Robotic Content

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AI Generated Robotic Content
Tags: AI Text

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