AI/ML News

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Sony Honda Mobility shows off its cool Afeela electric car features | The DeanBeat

Sony Honda Mobility will ship its Afeela electric cars starting in 2026. But the joint venture company is already showing…

22 hours ago

Adding audio data when training robots helps them do a better job

A combined team of roboticists from Stanford University and the Toyota Research Institute has found that adding audio data to…

22 hours ago

Think you’re funny? ChatGPT might be funnier

A study comparing jokes by people versus those told by ChatGPT shows that humans need to work on their material.

3 days ago

Meta drops ‘3D Gen’ bomb: AI-powered 3D asset creation at lightning speed

Meta unveils groundbreaking Meta 3D Gen system, revolutionizing AI-generated 3D assets with high-quality, PBR-supported meshes and textures in under a…

4 days ago

New and improved camera inspired by the human eye

Computer scientists have invented a camera mechanism that improves how robots see and react to the world around them. Inspired…

4 days ago

Study employs image-recognition AI to determine battery composition and conditions

An international collaborative research team has developed an image recognition technology that can accurately determine the elemental composition and the…

4 days ago

The dangers of voice fraud: We can’t detect what we can’t see

Effectively combating voice fraud requires a combination of education, caution, business practices, technology and government regulation.Read More

6 days ago

Light-controlled artificial maple seeds could monitor the environment even in hard-to-reach locations

Researchers have developed a tiny robot replicating the aerial dance of falling maple seeds. In the future, this robot could…

6 days ago

From chatbots to superintelligence: Mapping AI’s ambitious journey

The path to AGI and superintelligence is uncertain — but the rapid evolution of AI is undeniable, promising transformative advancements.Read…

7 days ago

Is ChatGPT the key to stopping deepfakes? Study asks LLMs to spot AI-generated images

When most people think of artificial intelligence, they're probably thinking of—and worrying about—ChatGPT and deepfakes. AI-generated text and images dominate…

1 week ago