Categories: FAANG

Resource-constrained Stereo Singing Voice Cancellation

We study the problem of stereo singing voice cancellation, a subtask of music source separation, whose goal is to estimate an instrumental background from a stereo mix. We explore how to achieve performance similar to large state-of-the-art source separation networks starting from a small, efficient model for real-time speech separation. Such a model is useful when memory and compute are limited and singing voice processing has to run with limited look-ahead. In practice, this is realised by adapting an existing mono model to handle stereo input. Improvements in quality are obtained by tuning…
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Detecting and Overcoming Perfect Multicollinearity in Large Datasets

One of the significant challenges statisticians and data scientists face is multicollinearity, particularly its most…

21 hours ago

5 Emerging AI Technologies That Will Shape the Future of Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence is not just altering the way we interact with technology; it’s reshaping the…

21 hours ago

How Vidmob is using generative AI to transform its creative data landscape

This post was co-written with Mickey Alon from Vidmob. Generative artificial intelligence (AI) can be…

21 hours ago

How few-shot learning with Google’s Prompt Poet can supercharge your LLMs

Prompt Poet allows you to ground LLM-generated responses to a real-world data context, opening up…

22 hours ago

Boeing Starliner Returns Home to an Uncertain Future

NASA has three more operational Starliner missions on the books. It hasn't decided whether it…

22 hours ago

Tips for Effective Feature Selection in Machine Learning

When training a machine learning model, you may sometimes work with datasets with a large…

2 days ago