10 29PredictiveMaintenance 2 100x70 1

Predictive Maintenance Proving Out as Successful AI Use Case 

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor   More companies are successfully exploiting predictive maintenance systems that combine AI and IoT sensors to collect data that anticipates breakdowns and recommends preventive action before break or machines fail, in a demonstration of an AI use case with proven value.   This growth is reflected in optimistic market forecasts. …

10 29GameofGo 2 100x70 1

Novelty In The Game Of Go Provides Bright Insights For AI And Autonomous Vehicles 

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider   We already expect that humans to exhibit flashes of brilliance. It might not happen all the time, but the act itself is welcomed and not altogether disturbing when it occurs.    What about when Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to display an act of novelty? Any such instance is bound to get our attention; …

Amazon Personalize HIW Diagram Steps

How The Chefz serves the perfect meal with Amazon Personalize

This is a guest post by Ramzi Alqrainy, Chief Technology Officer, The Chefz. The Chefz is a Saudi-based online food delivery startup, founded in 2016. At the core of The Chefz’s business model is enabling its customers to order food and sweets from top elite restaurants, bakeries, and chocolate shops. In this post, we explain …

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Distributed training with Amazon EKS and Torch Distributed Elastic

Distributed deep learning model training is becoming increasingly important as data sizes are growing in many industries. Many applications in computer vision and natural language processing now require training of deep learning models, which are growing exponentially in complexity and are often trained with hundreds of terabytes of data. It then becomes important to use …