Building an Image Classifier with a Single-Layer Neural Network in PyTorch

Last Updated on January 18, 2023 A single-layer neural network, also known as a single-layer perceptron, is the simplest type of neural network. It consists of only one layer of neurons, which are connected to the input layer and the output layer. In case of an image classifier, the input layer would be an image …

Neural Network with More Hidden Neurons

Last Updated on January 10, 2023 The traditional model of neural network is called multilayer perceptrons. They are usually made up of a series of interconnected layers. The input layer is where the data enters the network, and the output layer is where the network delivers the output. The input layer is usually connected to …

Building a Softmax Classifier for Images in PyTorch

Last Updated on January 9, 2023 Softmax classifier is a type of classifier in supervised learning. It is an important building block in deep learning networks and the most popular choice among deep learning practitioners. Softmax classifier is suitable for multiclass classification, which outputs the probability for each of the classes. This tutorial will teach …

Building a Single Layer Neural Network in PyTorch

Last Updated on January 10, 2023 A neural network is a set of neuron nodes that are interconnected with one another. The neurons are not just connected to their adjacent neurons but also to the ones that are farther away. The main idea behind neural networks is that every neuron in a layer has one …

Building Transformer Models with Attention Crash Course. Build a Neural Machine Translator in 12 Days

Last Updated on January 9, 2023 Transformer is a recent breakthrough in neural machine translation. Natural languages are complicated. A word in one language can be translated into multiple words in another, depending on the context. But what exactly a context is, and how you can teach the computer to understand the context was a …

Introduction to Softmax Classifier in PyTorch

Last Updated on January 1, 2023 While a logistic regression classifier is used for binary class classification, softmax classifier is a supervised learning algorithm which is mostly used when multiple classes are involved. Softmax classifier works by assigning a probability distribution to each class. The probability distribution of the class with the highest probability is …


Keeping Learning-Based Control Safe by Regulating Distributional Shift

To regulate the distribution shift experience by learning-based controllers, we seek a mechanism for constraining the agent to regions of high data density throughout its trajectory (left). Here, we present an approach which achieves this goal by combining features of density models (middle) and Lyapunov functions (right). In order to make use of machine learning …

How to Calculate Precision Recall F1 and More for Deep Learning Models

How to Calculate Precision, Recall, F1, and More for Deep Learning Models

Tweet Tweet Share Share Last Updated on August 23, 2022 Once you fit a deep learning neural network model, you must evaluate its performance on a test dataset. This is critical, as the reported performance allows you to both choose between candidate models and to communicate to stakeholders about how good the model is at …