Build an Automated, AI-Powered WhatsApp Chatbot with ChatGPT using Flask

We all agree to a point that by now we not only have heard about ChatGPT but also got a hands-on experience with it and we Loved it! For those who haven’t got a chance to get in touch with ChatGPT here is a brief introduction: ChatGPT is a large language model trained by OpenAI, …

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Introducing ChatGPT Plus

We’re launching a pilot subscription plan for ChatGPT, a conversational AI that can chat with you, answer follow-up questions, and challenge incorrect assumptions. The new subscription plan, ChatGPT Plus, will be available for $20/month, and subscribers will receive a number of benefits: General access to ChatGPT, even during peak times Faster response times Priority access …


The Flan Collection: Advancing open source methods for instruction tuning

Posted by Shayne Longpre, Student Researcher, and Adam Roberts, Senior Staff Software Engineer, Google Research, Brain Team Language models are now capable of performing many new natural language processing (NLP) tasks by reading instructions, often that they hadn’t seen before. The ability to reason on new tasks is mostly credited to training models on a …

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How to decide between Amazon Rekognition image and video API for video moderation

Almost 80% of today’s web content is user-generated, creating a deluge of content that organizations struggle to analyze with human-only processes. The availability of consumer information helps them make decisions, from buying a new pair of jeans to securing home loans. In a recent survey, 79% of consumers stated they rely on user videos, comments, …


La neutralité carbone est un problème d’intégration de données: la décarbonation grâce aux données

(An English-language version of this post can be read here.) Atteindre la neutralité carbone en 2050 suppose de sortir totalement des ressources fossiles et donc de transformer radicalement l’économie et les comportements. Décarboner l’industrie représente un axe prioritaire pour atteindre les objectifs climatiques de la France. En effet 18 % des émissions de gaz à effet …

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New AI classifier for indicating AI-written text

We’re launching a classifier trained to distinguish between AI-written and human-written text. We’ve trained a classifier to distinguish between text written by a human and text written by AIs from a variety of providers. While it is impossible to reliably detect all AI-written text, we believe good classifiers can inform mitigations for false claims that …

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Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs): An adoption guide (Palantir RFx Blog Series, #6)

Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) ensure the responsible use of personal data, but many organizations misunderstand how they are best deployed. Editor’s note: This is the sixth post in the Palantir RFx Blog Series, which explores how organizations can better craft RFIs and RFPs to evaluate digital transformation software. Each post focuses on one key capability area …


Discovering Creative Insights in Promotional Artwork

By Grace Tang, Aneesh Vartakavi, Julija Bagdonaite, Cristina Segalin, and Vi Iyengar When members are shown a title on Netflix, the displayed artwork, trailers, and synopses are personalized. That means members see the assets that are most likely to help them make an informed choice. These assets are a critical source of information for the member …

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Amazon SageMaker built-in LightGBM now offers distributed training using Dask

Amazon SageMaker provides a suite of built-in algorithms, pre-trained models, and pre-built solution templates to help data scientists and machine learning (ML) practitioners get started on training and deploying ML models quickly. You can use these algorithms and models for both supervised and unsupervised learning. They can process various types of input data, including tabular, …


Scalable Annotation Service — Marken

Scalable Annotation Service — Marken by Varun Sekhri, Meenakshi Jindal Introduction At Netflix, we have hundreds of micro services each with its own data models or entities. For example, we have a service that stores a movie entity’s metadata or a service that stores metadata about images. All of these services at a later point want to …