The 2023 Persado Holiday Marketing Guide: How to Optimize Campaign Performance in the Era of Holiday Creep 

Is this the year that end-of-year holiday shopping returns to “normal”? By normal, we mean the predictable post-Thanksgiving kick off followed by weeks of robust spending on gifts, food, and decorations. Persado’s prediction? No—“normal” doesn’t exist anymore. Economic and social changes that were already underway before the pandemic have permanently transformed the holiday shopping season …

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Go Beyond Open Rates with Generative AI for Email Marketing Subject Lines

In a time when social media inundates us with unending advertisements and branded content, email marketing stands out as an indispensable tool for connecting with customers, personalizing content and offers for select audiences, and driving customer loyalty. But, the email marketing landscape can be just as crowded. With customers’ inboxes flooded with offers by the …

What Creators and Brands Need to Know About Generative AI for TikTok

TikTok has taken the social media universe by storm with short-form viral videos of dances, humorous skits, heartfelt messages, fashion, travel, and more. As of 2023, TikTok has over a billion monthly active users globally, including 150 million in the US. The viral nature of the platform, its unique algorithm, and its power to keep …

6 Changes Transforming Black Friday Marketing Strategies

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are synonymous with closeout deals on holiday gifts and sky-high profits for retailers. These banner shopping events are still a major aspect of the retail calendar, but the game has changed and so have Black Friday marketing strategies.  What is Black Friday? The term “Black Friday” originated in Philadelphia in …

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Why Retailers Should Embrace the Experience Economy

Consumers have been changing what they spend their money on. From the rise of minimalism to ever-increasing travel spending, consumers have become more intentional about what physical items they purchase and have shifted their focus to collecting a wealth of experiences. This has created an experience economy.  What is the experience economy?  The experience economy …

Why Corporations Shouldn’t Wait to Implement Digital Marketing AI

AI is no longer an emerging concept or technology. The AI revolution is here. Yet, many corporations still sit on the sidelines or get sidetracked in the exploration phase. This often results in companies delaying digital marketing AI adoption or choosing not to use it to its full advantage.  As budgets become more rigid, priorities …