NLP overview

AI in Marketing: Benefits, Use Cases, and Examples

This post was published on June 16, 2022 and updated on July 6, 2023  Warm, personable, convincing — those adjectives may not be the first that come to mind when you think of artificial intelligence or AI. But, AI and human collaboration can outperform human intuition alone in creating and selecting digital content that connects …

Persado Drives Mutual ROI with Technology Partnerships and Alliances Program

Technology teams are stronger when they work together. So are technology companies and service providers. That’s why we are thrilled to announce the launch of the Persado Technology Partnerships and Alliances Program. The goals of this program are to drive mutual ROI with our integration and technology partners and to create better offerings and more …

How to achieve real-time personalization

Audiences increasingly expect content catered to their unique preferences. With real-time personalization, you can instantly deliver customized content to consumers based on their interactions with your brand. This real-time response provides users who are already engaging with your brand with a better customer experience. Effective real-time personalization combines two things:  A person’s relevant attributes (such …

Travel Marketing Trends and Changes in Tourism Consumer Behavior

Today’s consumers are traveling more often than in previous years. Multiple consumer travel marketing trends studies (including Persado’s) have found the same upward trend in travel plans and bookings. According to Hopper’s 2023 Travel Trends Report, 59.3% of respondents plan on spending more on travel in 2023 than they did in 2022. 53.6% plan on …

Overcoming Barriers to AI Adoption in Marketing

Given all the hype surrounding Generative AI, it may be hard to believe that not everyone is 100% excited by this development in artificial intelligence. Yet across the enterprise landscape there are corporate executives, functional leaders, and individual contributors calling foul about the rapid Generative AI adoption. Given that investment in Generative AI is expected …