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A Peek at Trends in Machine Learning

Have you looked at Google Trends? It’s pretty cool — you enter some keywords and see how Google Searches of that term vary through time. I thought — hey, I happen to have this arxiv-sanity database of 28,303 (arxiv) Machine Learning papers over the last 5 years, so why not do something similar and take a look at how …

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ICLR 2017 vs arxiv-sanity

I thought it would be fun to cross-reference the ICLR 2017 (a popular Deep Learning conference) decisions (which fall into 4 categories: oral, poster, workshop, reject) with the number of times each paper was added to someone’s library on arxiv-sanity. ICLR 2017 decision making involves a number of area chairs and reviewers that decide the …


Yes you should understand backprop

When we offered CS231n (Deep Learning class) at Stanford, we intentionally designed the programming assignments to include explicit calculations involved in backpropagation on the lowest level. The students had to implement the forward and the backward pass of each layer in raw numpy. Inevitably, some students complained on the class message boards: “Why do we have …