Decades of empowering efficient data decisions

Data is everywhere. It grows exponentially year by year, and it is our duty to keep up with its overwhelming volume and complexity. The thing is, we’re so focused on conquering our data that we often forget this battle to understand it has been one we’ve been fighting since the beginning of time. However, we’ve …

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Metadata enrichment – highly scalable data classification and data discovery

Metadata enrichment is about scaling the onboarding of new data into a governed data landscape by taking data and applying the appropriate business terms, data classes and quality assessments so it can be discovered, governed and utilized effectively. This feature significantly increases the productivity of the data stewards who provide business context to data by …

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AIOps reimagines hybrid multicloud platform operations

Today, most enterprises use services from more than one Cloud Service Provider (CSP). Getting operational visibility across all vendors is a common pain point for clients. Further, modern architecture such as a microservices architecture introduces additional operational complexity. Figure 1 Hybrid Multicloud and Complexity Evolution Traditionally this calls for more manpower. But this traditional approach …

Data fabric marketplace: The heart of data economy

In older civilizations, where transportation and communication were primitive, the marketplace was where people came to buy and sell products. This was the only way to know what was on offer and who needed it. Modern-day enterprises face a similar situation regarding data assets. On one side there is a need for data. Businesses ask: …

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Operationalizing data fabric: Through the lens of trading platforms

Take a second to think about all the ways data has changed in the last 20 years. In the hardware space, our mobile phones started out as large handhelds with pull-out antennas and limited processing power. Now they are advanced pieces of technology with a computational power 32,600 times faster than the computers we used …